Hamzali Massacre

Hamzali Massacre was done and undertaken by Pkk on 01.01.1995. As a result of Pkk attack, 20 civilian villagers – most of them are children and women- were slaughtered wildly.
As you can see below with evidences, this barbarous attack was done by Pkk and they boasted of this in their media organ.

From a newspaper: Vehibe Cicek, who is one of the witnesses of this terrifying night and whose daughter was killed in this attack by PKK, quakes with fear whenever she remembers this attack. She can’t control her tears when she tells the facts about that night and says:”Our village was raided in the evening. I said to the terorists that we were innocent. They said ‘We will kill and burn all of you. These lands belong to us. You won’t stay here’ They slaughtered my daughter by three bullets on her head in front of me. Her head was broken into pieces. God damn all of these terorists.”
She adds, terorists executed all of the villagers by firing squad and left the village after they heard that soldiers were coming to village. She stayed in a hospital for 3 months to recover her health. Ismet Aslan, too, tells that his 3 kids were killed in the attack and adds “While they were attacking, we were 7 people at home. My kids Hanife, Aysel and Mesut were killed. My son Hamza and I were wounded.”